Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Loss of the Night App Review

Loss of the Night just released a new version of their app for iOS and Android!

This app is part of the Globe at Night project to track changes in night sky visibility. Some of the problems with the previous version of the app were slow GPS location tracking, very little feedback on your observations, and no way to give feedback to get problems fixed! 

With the new version, you get feedback on consistency of your observations, the naked eye limiting magnitude, as well as an estimate for how many stars you can see in the sky. The GPS convergence is as good as can be expected with a phone, and, of course, there's now a way to submit suggestions for future updates. Some other changes include:

-Improved night mode with a black and red layout instead of gray and orange

-Pinch zoom replaces button-based zoom

-Improved measurement to indicate star visibility as "Clearly Visible," "Barely Visible," or visible with "Averted Vision"

-A better set of stars to improve accuracy and ease of use

-Calculation of good times to observe if the moon is out

Visit http://alphagalileo.org/ for the official press release, and follow the official app blog at http://lossofthenight.blogspot.com/

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